Some brands have left Google AdWords by the wayside because they felt it was not intuitive or specific enough for their needs.  But since the launch of Experience, Google AdWords’ newest UI, there have been a number of improvements that can help your brand better leverage its marketing efforts.   1. Detailed Landing Page Reporting  Read More

The Google Analytics tool is a treasure chest bursting with golden insights and shiny data that every advertiser should be using to his or her advantage.  This would explain why it continues to be the most widely used web analytics tool in the world, with 45 percent of Fortune 500 companies and 64 percent of  Read More

Search engine marketing (SEM) is among the most valuable inbound marketing methods available today.  While organic search and SEO is incredibly important, when coupled with other SEM methods like pay-per-click (PPC) through Google AdWords, you can substantially increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns online. The problem with Google AdWords is that many brands simply  Read More

In March of this year Small Screen Producer reported on the Google “broad core” algorithm update which sent brands and advertisers scrambling.  Though little details were given at the time, Google has now confirmed that the update was not so much about improving the quality of the search results, but that it was more about  Read More