WordPress is the best publishing platform out there today. It’s fast, flexible, and provides all the necessary features to make publishing blogs as simple and pleasant as possible. As a digital media marketing firm, we like to integrate a WordPress blog into every site we build because blogs are what help build authority for your Read More
Many businesses believe that blogging is just an extra feature to add to their website, not anything absolutely necessary to focus efforts on. Well, but we’re proving those businesses wrong. Attaching a blog to a website can be extremely beneficial to the success of your digital media marketing. In fact, it’s become mandatory to add Read More
Blogging is the absolute simplest way to lead more visitors to your site. Blogging also helps improve visibility for your web presence and search rankings. However, to get the most bang for your blog, your content writers need to focus on creating compelling and engaging content on a consistent basis over time, something that can Read More
In the age of fast-paced social media, immediacy, and general lapse of time, business blogs have been set aside and considered a diminishing marketing tactic. It’s been traded for the instant gratification of the tweet, the Facebook post, or the latest Instagram photo, which is all good enough for your digital marketing, right? Not so Read More