Did you know that 46% of all Google searches are for local information? Most online searches on Google often lead to organic leads, which may result in actual conversions. Also, 97% of people find out the necessary information about a local business online before visiting in person. As a local pool and spa company, your  Read More

As owners of small businesses, there are ways to boost your online presence to ensure maximum visibility. To successfully improve your business online, use Google Search Console, a web service that can aid beginners to improve their site’s appearance.  Google Search Console  This free service offered by Google helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your  Read More

Google Ads are a great way to promote your business, but they can get expensive. This is why display ads are a great and affordable option for smaller budding businesses. They are an excellent way to boost visibility and draw the attention of prospective customers.  Wondering how display ads work and how to use them?  Read More