local marketing
The evolution of technology has made many companies focus entirely on digital marketing and social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for advertising their businesses. With so much competition on Google and social media, small businesses should focus on local marketing to improve their marketing efficiency. Local marketing enables companies to target the Read More
Google+ is an essential component to any business’s online marketing strategy, and for good reason: Every since the launch of the Google social media network in 2011, it’s captured over 340 million monthly active members, only second to Facebook. Content marketing is used to improve rankings on search engines and Google dominates search, holding 66% Read More
If you’re looking to boost your paid search performance fast and at no additional cost, try using Google AdWords Ad Extensions. Ad extensions allow a business to add on additional information to a basic paid text ad on Google. Some examples of ad extensions include offer extensions (which adds printable promos to your ad) or Read More
Last Wednesday, Pinterest launched a new feature called “Place Pins,” which allows users to map out the locations of the items, photos, and content they share on their pinboards. Users can click on “Add a map” under the settings of a new or an existing board and they’re taken to an interactive map where Read More