Recent data gathered by Monetate has revealed that desktop web users have a higher conversion rate than those who are browsing on smartphones.

The data collected was based on more than 1.9 billion shopping sessions over the last quarter of 2016.  The data showed that desktop conversions were more than triple smartphone conversions.

Interestingly, tablet conversions were only slightly behind desktop computers.

Source: Monetate Q4 2016 report via Smart Insights

Does Size Matter?

With tablets being that close behind desktop computers in the conversion department, marketers do have to consider if the size of the screen does play a role in conversion rates.  Mobile users may not want to fill out lengthy forms and payment details on a small smartphone screen, for example, or perhaps the smaller sized picture is not properly representing your product.

What About Load Time?

Google shared that it takes a typical mobile landing page 22 seconds to fully load.  The problem?  The average mobile user will leave a page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Despite the number of mobile visitors increasing by the day, the majority of websites out there have too much information, too much clutter, and are too slow for smartphone visitors.

Revamp Your Website with Small Screen Producer

Blending the purpose of your website with the technical side of things can be challenging.  Save yourself the stress of trying to do it yourself and enlist in the help of Small Screen Producer.

Our accomplished online marketing team can help with every aspect of your online presence, from website design and SEO to content marketing and video production.  Call us today with any questions you may have about your online marketing strategy and how to improve your conversion rates today at (281) 569-4370.