To accomplish any big goal or aspiration takes time, planning, and lots of dedication. With over 600 neurological diseases to date, the Finker-Frenkel Legacy Foundation is determined to completely eradicate the disease in all its forms through extensive funding and research. This highly committed, family-run foundation is made up of like-minded philanthropists who are dedicated to not only understanding this disease, but aids individuals and families affected by it. The foundation hopes to promote change through action as well as increasing the public’s understanding and awareness of the disease. By doing so, the foundation intends to make a difference and empower local communities.

Small Screen Producer built a new web presence for the Finker-Frenkel Legacy Foundation that helps communicate this brave and altruistic objective. On the homepage, visitors will see a beautiful high-resolution banner, a short description of the organization, and six main categories. Visitors may click on menu items found in the top navigation to learn more about the organization’s mission, history, strategy, grants, and news. This site is integrated with Google Translate to accommodate the English, Russian, and Spanish speaking users.

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Read more about the foundation’s beginning by learning about the foundation’s members, history, and mission.

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Learn how you help by learning more about the foundation’s strategy and grant information.

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Lastly, the foundation can be contacted through a contact form or through several social media channels built out and embedded on the homepage.

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